Saturday, 22 March 2008

Pierra Menta Photos

I told you the course was impressive! The above and below photos are from the 3rd day on the final climb, before the summit of the Grand Mount.

Not sure what day the above photo is from, but I am pretty sure is during the 3rd climb on the 2nd day. I believe that's Mt Blanc in the back ground with the cloud over the summit.

Like I said, 100's of (maybe over 1000!)spectators wait at the top of the Grand Mount, all going crazy!
The above 4 photos are from Jocelyn Chavy. There are more excellent photos by Jocelyn at check them out if you have a chance!
Jane took this shot of me (and about 300 other racers!)not long after the start of the 3rd day, just after I was knocked down from a fellow racers pole catching the tip of my ski. Pretty common to see people taking a fall, breaking a pole or losing a skin with in the first 200m or so of the bigger races.
American racer Lyndsay Meyer wrote a good race report that's on Steve Romes blog TeteonAT, its worth a read to get a different take on things.

1 comment:

Lyndsay Meyer said...

Nice blog..thanks for the comments jane, I wanted to put you in as I thought your sportsmanship and positive attitude were incredible.

keep in touch